Welcome to CoSADIE - Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure for Europe
The project results useful for different communities, in particular scientific tutorials
, information on tools, etc, are gathered on the Euro-VO web site
. Resources for education are available at the Euro-VO education web site
Usage of the project results should be aknowledged and if relevant a reference should be sent to the project.
is part of the international
Virtual Observatory
(VO) effort to maintain a comprehensive infrastructure for finding, querying, and accessing astronomical data. We are organized as a Coordination Action supported by EU in the framework of the FP7 initiative (Call INFRA-2012-3.3 Research Infrastructures, project 312559)
The project, initially forseen to run from 1 September 2012 through 31 August 2014, has been expanded by 6 months to 28 February 2015. It is centred on the development of strategies and coordination structures, through a feasibility study for a sustainable European Virtual Observatory giving access to the open, highly diverse, highly distributed data holdings of astronomy. This study will be held in close collaboration with the
ERA-NET. It also aims at disseminating results among and gathering requirements from the scientific community (users) and the data providers. It will co-ordinate European technical activities, and includes the promotion and monitoring of international standards, and their adoption through the International Virtual Observatory Alliance IVOA. Co-operation and interface with the grid and cloud will also be assessed. Specific care will be taken to consolidate the high impact VObs outreach activities towards education and the general public.
CoSADIE succeeds the Coordination Action
Euro-VO International Cooperation Empowerment
(EuroVO-ICE), which ended on 31 August 2012, the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative
Euro-VO Astronomical Infrastructure for Data Access
(EuroVO-AIDA, 2008-2010), the FP6 Coordination Action
Euro-VO Data Centre Allliance
(EuroVO-DCA, 2006-2008), and the FP6 design study VOTECH (2005-2009).
This site doubles as the web-based collaboration area of the project.
- PROJECT START: 1 September 2012
General information
CoSADIE Bodies
Work Packages
- WP2: Increasing awareness and gathering requirements from the user and provider communities
- WP3: Coordinating technical activities and defining the technical needs to maintain the VO Framework
- WP4: Outreach towards education and the general public interested in astronomy
- WP5: Strategy, governance and financial sustainability of Euro-VO
CoSADIE Web Utilities
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