CoSADIE - Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure
Who's Who
Executive team
- Françoise Genova, project coordinator
- Mark Allen, project scientist
- Françoise Genova, CNRS
- Fabio Pasian, INAF
- Enrique Solano, INTA
- Andy Lawrence, UEDIN
- Joachim Wambsganss, UHEI
Project Management Team
- Françoise Genova, CNRS, WP1, WP5
- Mark Allen, CNRS, project scientist
- José Manuel Alacid, INTA, WP2
- Markus Demleitner, UHEI, WP2
- Keith Noddle, UEDIN, WP3
- Massimo Ramella, INAF, WP4
Scientific Advisory Committee
The web pages of the Euro-VO Scientific Advisory Committee, which acts as
CoSADIE Scientific Advisory Committee, are